Közeledik az év vége, amikor általában besűrűsödik egy kicsit az élet. Ilyenkor mindig sok utazással járó elfoglaltság is összejön, ami miatt minden egyéb háttérbe szorul. November elején van ugyanis a Magyar Tudomány Napja is (nov 3), melynek keretében sok tudományos ülést szerveznek szerte az országban. Varrni tehát nem igazán sikerült az utóbbi napokban, ellenben ma helyére került a korábban befejezett falvédő. Szerintem jó lett, nekem legalábbis tetszik.
As we are getting closer to the end of the year I have more and more official stuff to do. At the beginning of November we are celebrating the day of Hungarian Science (3rd of November), and to honor this day there are many scientific meetings that are organized around this time. Unfortunatly all these events do not leave too much time for my hobbies. The only thing we were doing, however, was that we mounted the small wall quilt I made recently. I think it fits nicely, so I am quite pleased with the results.
As we are getting closer to the end of the year I have more and more official stuff to do. At the beginning of November we are celebrating the day of Hungarian Science (3rd of November), and to honor this day there are many scientific meetings that are organized around this time. Unfortunatly all these events do not leave too much time for my hobbies. The only thing we were doing, however, was that we mounted the small wall quilt I made recently. I think it fits nicely, so I am quite pleased with the results.
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