Megint csak egy kicsit varrtam mostanában. Az elmúlt hetekben először a munkámmal voltam kicsit elveszve, utana meg elmentem egy hétre síelni. Nagyon jó volt. Megint főleg Fanningbergen voltunk, és az idén is oktatóhoz jártam. Ugyanannál a hölgynél tanultam akinél tavaly, és nagyon élveztem. Varrni nem sok időm volt, de a "fejezzünk be félkész dolgokat" mozgalom jegyében a karácsonyi terítőhöz való párna párján dolgozok. Kész a szendvics, és a hosszú hétvége alatt megpróbálom össze is állítani készre. Ja, egyébként ennyire nem csálé, csak nem vasaltam át a fényképezés előtt.
I have not had too much time for sewing in the last couple of weeks. First I had a lot of work to take care of in the lab, then I went for skiing. We went to the place where we were last year (Fanningberg), and also like last year I have been taking a couple of private skiing lessons. It was soo cool, I enjoyed it a lot. As in these days I am trying slowly to work on some so-far unfinished projects, I made the sandwich from a pilow top. I already made one exactly like that, and I am close to finishing the matching piece. Picture was taken before ironing it.
I have not had too much time for sewing in the last couple of weeks. First I had a lot of work to take care of in the lab, then I went for skiing. We went to the place where we were last year (Fanningberg), and also like last year I have been taking a couple of private skiing lessons. It was soo cool, I enjoyed it a lot. As in these days I am trying slowly to work on some so-far unfinished projects, I made the sandwich from a pilow top. I already made one exactly like that, and I am close to finishing the matching piece. Picture was taken before ironing it.