2009. október 13., kedd

Coin stack quilt / Pénztorony quilt

Ez az új quilt terve. Nyár végén rendeltem Amerikából nagyon élénk színű anyagokat, amikből karácsonyra szeretnék -a változatosság kedvéért- takarót varrni. Ajándékba. Kislánynak. Direkt nem akartam pasztell színeket, vidám és élénk takarót szeretnék csinálni. Elkezdtem a pénztornyokat gyártani, mégpedig strip piecing technikával. Kb 50 centi hosszú csíkokat vágtam az öt színből, és ezeket a megfelelő sorrendben összevarrom. Az így kapott darabokból 12 centi széles egységeket fogok kivágni. 4 darab 12x35 cm-es egység egymás tetjére varrva ad majd egy tornyot. Ja, mutatok egy mintátt is.
This is the plan of my new quilt. I have ordered the fabrics from the US, and I am planning to make a new quitl for christmas. As a gift. For a small girl. I have decided against pastell colors, I would like to sew something bright and bold. The 'stacks' are made by strip piecing, and I have started to cut and sew the strips. Oh, and here is a sample....

2009. október 11., vasárnap

Quilt Festival - FALL 2009.

Here we go again...
Park City Girl is organizing the second Blogger's Quilt Festival. Go and check it out, and join! It is a great opportunity to virtually join a nice and growing community, and not to mention there are great prizes to win too.

My favorite quilt I decided to show you is the last one. I have not too many finished quilts, I have way too little time to sew, at least much less than I would like to.
This quilt is not too large, it is made as a wallhanging to cover and protect the wall behind the shoerack in the hall of my boyfriend's apartment.
Because of that it is made of quilte darc colors. First of all I do not want to wash it all the time, and second, it is ment to be in a male apartment, so flowers and such things are just out of question.
The reason this is my current favorite quilt is that the more I sew the braver I am. Meaning that even though I still only sew straight lines, the quilting is the most heaviest on this one I have ever made.
The recipient liked it a lot. Oh, and by the way... Funny thing is that I also showed a quilt I presented to my boyfriend on the Spring Quilt Festival... :)
Now after all this talk, here is a picture of the actual quilt.

Daisypath Christmas tickers